Social Causes

Phase - 1


The world from 2020 has been dealing with the devasting effects of Covid-19 pandemic. Most economic sectors have been impacted by lockdown measures, interrupted global supply networks, poorer domestic and international demand for goods and services, and reduced international tourism, among other things. Many families have lost loved ones to Covid-19 as a result of the scenario. Many people lost their jobs and experienced financial hardship, which had a negative impact on families. We would like to offer a helping hand to rebuild lives.

Global / Geo-political conflicts

Just as Covid-19 seemed to be on decline, leading to optimism across the globe of a potential recovery. A new global crisis has erupted due to the unrest in the geo-political developments in Eastern Europe. This is now having a considerable impact globally and no one is spared.

In addition to current situation, we have seen similar events in other geographies, be it middle east, Africa and potential disruption looming in the Asia-Pacific. The current structure and global political balance hangs in the balance. Current events and some past examples show us that this peace can be quickly disrupted, leading to mass displacement and disrupting lives of many.

BUDH is an honest effort to help people impacted or displaced by these events, ranging from War causalities, Temporary or permanent disability to refugee crisis

Crypto Scam

Sadly, crypto has not been exempt of fraud. We have seen numerous kinds; pump and dump, MLM, Ponzi schemes and many more. These scams happen when a con artists create fictitious crypto businesses and entice investors with varied claims and false figures. Many unsuspecting investors fall prey to these elaborate and deceitful schemes. We hope Buddha platform provides the support web3 community needs and proves to be the impetus for wider adoption.

Real Estate Fraud

Real estate developers target those looking to buy or rent a property. The transaction should be rather simple and straight forward. However, very often scams happen in the sector when a seller dupes the buyer or fails to deliver. As a result buyer ends up losing money and a lot of time. Some of the common real estate scams Title deception, Guaranteed returns, Postponements in Possession of property, Forced Revocations, change of land use, change of building plans, Selling one property to multiple buyers, illegal possession.

Financial Scams

With the advent of technology and interconnectivity the horizon for financials scams has broadened beyond imagination. People fall prey to scamsters who’s primary aim to deceit individuals for personal gains. Some of the common examples of such fraud in the recent times are imposter scams, identity theft, employment scams, lottery and prize frauds, ransomware attacks. Another common examples around us is, scamsters’ promises of unrealistic returns and eventually runaway with the hard earned money of many unsuspecting

Phase - 2

  • Natural Disasters
  • Climate Change
  • Support NGOs

Phase - 3

  • Medical treatment Assistance
  • Education scholarships
  • Old Age Assistance

Unlocking Economic Barriers, Creating a More Financially Inclusive and Sustainable Future For All